In the murk that was the late 70's, there was very little performance to be found. Most "muscle cars" still had V8's, but sadly they were choked with smog equipment and putting out sad levels of horsepower. Car manufacturers left the flashy decals on but took away all the fun in the name of expensive gas and emissions requirements.

One vehicle that managed to emerge through this mess and make a statement was the Dodge L'il Red Express, which was built in 1978 and 1979. The little truck that could snickered in the face of regulations with it's twin smoke stacks sticking up in the sky and ripping off 14.7 second quarter mile times with it's 360 V8. That was good enough to make it the quickest vehicle produced in 1978, and is still pretty quick by today's standards.

Mr. Norm is bringing back the icon of a dark era by producing his own tribute to the L'il Red Express in his own shop, utilizing the new Dodge Ram. The only downside is that in order to keep the cost down, you won't see huge exhaust stacks on the side of the new Express. Turns out fitting a stepside bed to a new Ram would be too costly and pointless. If you want to see a comparison between old and new, check it out here.