If there ever was a gripe about the venerable Mustang since the SN95 platform was introduced back in 1994, it's that it still has a solid rear axle and no IRS, not even as an option. The argument has always been that an independent rear suspension would add too much to the cost of the car, which is supposed to be an affordable American muscle car.
Now it appears that Ford may finally be changing it's mind, as Motor Trend is reporting. Rumor is IRS will make it's full time debut in the Mustang in time for it's 50th anniversary in 2014. MT thinks that the most likely option is a much revised chassis.
One thing that isn't likely, however, is the Mustang sharing it's platform with any other car. And the rumors of V8 power going away altogether are pretty moot at this point as well, as Ford just rolled out it's new 5.0 V8 to much fanfare. One things for sure, they've got plenty of time to think about it.