Monday, July 7, 2008

To four eye or not to four eye?

I've always been a fan of Mustangs. I guess in a way it started when I was brought home from the hosptial in a 66' after I was born. But despite my lifelong interest, there was one thing that for whatever reason I was never aware of, and that is the hatred of those who convert the front of their four eyed Mustang to the aero nose of the 87-93 mustangs.

Disclaimer: Keep reading after I reveal the next fact:

When I bought my 83', I intended on changing the nose!

Now let me explain myself. For the longest time I thought the 83-84 nose looked like an Escort. I thought it was ugly. When I originally bought the car, I wasn't looking for a particular year. I just wanted a fox body car at a bargain price that I could shape into the car I wanted it to be. But a funny thing happened along the way. I started to like the look of my car.

It all started when I began doing some research. I couldn't understand why those crazed four eyed fans flipped out when someone "desecrated" one of their own. But the more I thought about it, they're right. The best thing about having a 79-86 is that you don't see that many of them anymore. For reasons varying from production numbers to people making the unmentionable swap, you just don't see that many on the road. I also have grown to realize that the squared off bumper is "tough" looking.

Now that I have made this distinction, I notice how many 87-93 mustangs are out there. I see them all the time. I still like the cars, but I appreciate mine more for what it is. It also helped that I have seen some sweet 83-84's online that have inspired me. Not to mention that it will save some money not having to buy all those extra parts. So now I can confidently say, save the four eyes!

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